How to Edit Clips in Instagram Reels

How to Edit Clips in Instagram Reels

Earlier, Instagram didn’t allow users to edit individual video clips in Reels. But, just like we grow and improve each day, Instagram also keeps improving. Thankfully, now you can edit clips in Reels. You can reorder, trim, or delete a clip. Let’s check how to edit clips on Instagram Reels on Android and iPhone.

Table of Contents

How to Reorder Clips in Instagram Reels

You must enter the editing mode first to perform any editing task on an Instagram Reel clip. Here are the steps to enter the editing mode and reorder clips:

1. Open the Instagram app on your phone.

2. Tap on the + icon at the top. Select Reel from the list.

How to Edit Clips in Instagram Reels

3. Tap on the Shutter icon to start recording a clip. Tap on it again to stop recording. Similarly, record more clips and add text or music to your Reel.

Pro Tip: You can create Reels up to 90 seconds long.

4. When done, tap on the Preview or Next button.

How to Edit Clips in Instagram Reels

5. You will see the Edit Clips button. Tap on it. Now, you can reorder, trim, or delete an individual clip in your Reel.

How to Edit Clips in Instagram Reels

6. Tap on the Reorder button. Then, touch and hold the clip that you want to move and drag it to its new position.

How to Edit Clips in Instagram Reels

Pro Tip: You can move the clips without pressing the Reorder button. Simply, long press the clip until you see the (-) remove icon on the clips. Then, touch and move the clip wherever you want to place it in your video.

7. Similarly, change the position of other clips as per your needs. Finally, tap on Done to go to the editing screen.

How to Trim a Clip in Instagram Reels

We rarely can capture a video clip that is of the exact length as we want it to be. This is where trimming or cutting the video comes into the picture as it helps in reducing the video length. Trimming the video also helps remove parts we don’t need in a video.

To trim a clip in your Reel on Instagram, follow these steps:

1. Follow steps 1-5 of the above method to capture your clips and enter the editing mode.

2. Once in the editing mode, you will see the available clips. Tap on a clip that you want to trim.

How to Edit Clips in Instagram Reels

3. Touch and hold the box on the left or right edge and drag it inwards to enclose the part of the video you want to keep while trimming the rest.

How to Edit Clips in Instagram Reels

Note: Sadly, you cannot split or trim from the middle as of now.

4. Tap on All clips to go back and trim other clips in your Reel.

How to Edit Clips in Instagram Reels

How to Delete Clips From Instagram Reel

After recording multiple video clips for your Reel, if you feel that some of them aren’t that good, you can easily delete those clips and capture new ones.

To delete a clip from Reel, follow these steps:

1. Record the clips for your Reel and hit the Edit clips button as you did in steps 1-5 of reordering the clips method.

3. Then, touch and hold any one of the clips.

How to Edit Clips in Instagram Reels

4. Tap on the (-) Remove icon on the clip that you want to delete. A confirmation pop-up will show up. Tap on Discard.

How to Edit Clips in Instagram Reels

Another way to delete clips is to tap on the Reorder button. You will automatically see the (-) Remove icon on the clips. Tap on the Remove icon on the clip to delete it.

How to Edit Clips in Instagram Reels

There’s a third method as well. Simply tap on the clip and hit the Delete button.

How to Edit Clips in Instagram Reels

How to Add More Clips to Your Instagram Reel

While editing individual video clips, if you want to include more clips, tap on the Add clips button when you are in editing mode. Press the Capture button to start recording the clip. Similarly, you can create as many clips as you want. You can then reorder, trim, or delete clips as shown above.

How to Edit Clips in Instagram Reels

How to Edit Draft Reels on Instagram

You can edit draft Reels just like you can edit a new Instagram Reel. You can trim, add more videos, reorder, or delete a clip from draft Reel as well.

1. Open the Instagram app.

2. Tap on the (+) Add icon and select Reel.

How to Edit Clips in Instagram Reels

3. Tap on the Gallery icon and hit the Drafts tab. Here you will find your existing Reel drafts. Know how to use draft Reels like a pro.

How to Edit Clips in Instagram Reels

Pro Tip: Learn how to make Instagram Reels with photos.

4. Tap on a draft to edit it. Then, hit the Edit button.

How to Edit Clips in Instagram Reels

5. Tap on the Edit clips button to enter the editing mode. You can change the position of clips, trim, delete, or add more clips to your Reel.

How to Edit Clips in Instagram Reels

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How to fix the Edit Clips button missing in Instagram Reels?

If the Edit clips button is missing in Reels, update the Instagram app and restart your phone. Next, try re-installing the Instagram app.

2. How to edit Instagram Reel after posting?

You cannot edit clips in a Reel or the Reel cover after posting it. You can only edit the Reel’s caption, location, and tagged people.

3. Can you download Instagram Reels?

Yes, you can download your own Reels to your phone’s gallery or save someone else’s Reel. Check out various methods to download Instagram Reels.

Edit Clips in Instagram Reels Like a Pro

While Instagram does offer basic features to edit clips in a Reel, it still lacks advanced features. However, you can use third-party Reel editing apps to create amazing Reels. Once you create and publish a Reel, know how to pin a Reel to your Instagram profile.

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